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Foundation Whose Builder And Maker Is God

For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.
Hebrews 11:10

Precious Saints the above text shows us Abraham's sojourn while on the face of the earth, how that he continued moving from one city to another looking and searching for a city whose foundation is planted and established by God.

Belove a CITY is something obvious to the eyes so let's call it RESULTS, FRUITS AND OUR DESIRES, but the the FOUNDATION is always hidden beneath the earth lets call this PROCESS, PATTERNS, WAYS, AND METHODS.

No matter how flashy or beautiful a CITY (cars, houses, money e.t.c) you have is, if the FOUNDATION (process or way of getting it) is not established on Gods word or principles then you are heading for doom because if the foundation be faulty what can the righteous do, every city will always be tested either by wind, storm, fire, or rain, but NOTE it must be tested so be patient and build wisely on Gods word and principles

CASE STUDY:- Lot settled in a city whose foundation was not established by God and at the end He lost everything he had.

Precious Saints receive grace to tarry until you find a city which has Foundations whose builder and maker is God!

#Apostolic Soldier
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What Is Man ?

What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
Psalms 8:4

The Psalmist continues to contemplate this being called Man although He his frail and weak yet God's mind continues full of him, to the extent of even visiting him....

So what is Man....? Find out

Enjoy this short excerpt from What is Man?

For the full Sermon go to

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Made For His Pleasure !

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
Revelation 4:11

Precious Saints !
The above text, reveals to us the primary purpose, why all things are and were created and this is to PLEASURE (delight, intimate) God, the One who Created all things of which MAN (humans) are the zenith of His creation and a revelation of God's artistry.

Belove you are created FOR PLEASURE and TO PLEASURE. Your composition and wiring is a revelation of Gods intent and interest in you.
Be conscious of this simple but yet profound truth that " You are the apple of His eyes and he delights in you always" Therefore create TIME AND CHANCE (5mins, 10mins, 15mins e.t.c) intentionally today for you and your Creator to be together and respond to him by telling him how much You love and cherish Him.
#Apostolic Soldier
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Who is your friend ?

Who is your friend ?
your friends are close associates and loved ones and they determine the course of a Man's sojourn either upward or downward, either positively or negatively...

So therefore Who is your friend ?

A Short Excerpt From the message "Who is your friend ?"
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