Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
Revelation 4:11
Precious Saints !
The above text, reveals to us the primary purpose, why all things are and were created and this is to PLEASURE (delight, intimate) God, the One who Created all things of which MAN (humans) are the zenith of His creation and a revelation of God's artistry.
Belove you are created FOR PLEASURE and TO PLEASURE. Your composition and wiring is a revelation of Gods intent and interest in you.
Be conscious of this simple but yet profound truth that " You are the apple of His eyes and he delights in you always" Therefore create TIME AND CHANCE (5mins, 10mins, 15mins e.t.c) intentionally today for you and your Creator to be together and respond to him by telling him how much You love and cherish Him.
#Apostolic Soldier
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